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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  March 27, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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>>live, from the bay area's news station, this is kron4 news at 11:00. >>vicki: lighted streets and falling rocks cleanup continues in the bay area but the storms appear to pass. the temperature could be on me rise and sunny days ahead. we are here with brian van taken on looking at the radar here and it's blank. >> it's a good sign. it means the rain has subsided for a little while summer going to look at some nice weather over the next few days. still somewhat roads out there. still light rain and sprinkles but she can barely see it on storm tracker 4. a little blue near san jose, but a weak system for tonight is wrapping up all the significant grain from the storm. some snow falling in the sierra tonight above 5,000 ft.. for going to get
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a break this week, it's going to be sunny and dry after what has been at a wet week. the last seven days rainfall totals have ranged between two and 3 in. in some spots, more than 3 in. for san francisco, rainfall amounts approaching 6 in. and into the santa cruz mountains there of the amounts between eight and 9 in.. this has caused flooding and mudslides. finally the soil is going to have time to absorb some of the rain fall on the next few days. it looking mostly sunny for tomorrow. after morning clouds, temperatures will warm up a little bit into the upper 50s near the coast in san francisco. 60s for the rest of the day possibly as warm a 66 san jose. going into tuesday, there's another weather system that is getting closer contest going to produce clouds in the day and a slight chance for sprinkles in the day. san jose close to 70, may have
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'80s in the bay area later in the week. i will let you know more about that coming up. >>vicki: it capital of one of the hardest hit. if the city council issued an emergency proclamation in the wake of to flash floods that swept through the downtown and neighboring trailer park after a pipe failed during thursday's storm. for mobile homes were red tape, when was torn down this morning. if the second trailer is scheduled to be demolished. the mobile home park has been yellow tag because they could be in danger. in downtown capitola, mud from the flood is still visible on the street. if the sidewalks and shopping district are full of water damage merchandise like furniture and sought the carpets. one business owner should is the damage inside her baseball. >> c'mon in. you could see everything was completely submerged under water. he could see where the floor is already starting to buckle.
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careful what you wish for, i wish four hearts would floors and now i guess in going to get them. we have a humidifier going. calling everyone i know who has fans. i have medical equipment that is really expensive and i hope it's still running. if you have to deal with insurance companies and hopefully you're covered. yet to go through the whole process, i don't know how long on going to be closed. it's hard because the economy isn't so great, were hoping the surrounding community will support us and this is to get cleaned up the back to visit. >> its estimated 100 businesses were damaged during the flooding. another major effect of the storms rockslide and mudslides. we have team coverage on how to committees are dealing with the cleanup. >>j.r. stone: some evacuations are still in order here in san pablo, the fact that nobody has been hurt is good news. look
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behind me, you can see there are still big problems. i want to show you this house. the folks who live here have not been evacuated, but look at there back porch in you can see that it something that could change. i showed you the fence a minute ago, it is sideways and goes to this house right there. the folks in that house have been evacuated. everything is every which way. i want to show you those trees that you see in the distance. officials were busy cutting those trees today because they were leaning and almost hitting a house on the other side of those bushes. obviously, you have big problems for at least seven properties in the san pablo area. this is one of the reasons area officials have claimed this to be a local emergency. they did that today. is still sliding. reporting live, kron 4 news.
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>>nicole: here in alameda county just off of redwood road a mudslide has fallen in the southbound lane of this road. you could see those large boulders, rocks, debris even trees that have been rooted out of the soil. you can see this lighter color soil here is actually the recent mudslide activity that happened. up top to the left, you could see the darker colored soil is actually from another mudslide that happened just a few days ago. even the pavement is still dirty from the clean up the crews had to do. further on, you could see there's also a smaller landslide that happened on the shoulder. the main concern right now was obviously the s curve where cars coming around may not see this landslide. crews are on the scene getting ready to clean this up. in alameda county, kron 4 news. >>vicki: anytime you can
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catch us live you could always check out our forecast on you could find the most recent forecast in a row just try and and what the other forecasters. if authorities are searching for someone who planted a bomb inside and newspaper. it exploded as the man picked it up in his driveway this morning. kron 4 has more on what happened. >>reporter: this is where the man picked up his newspaper and where the bomb went off you could see the crater. it has since gotten bigger because investigators dug deeper to gather evidence. the victim appeared to be in the '60s or '70s was airlifted to a nearby hospital. his son and family came home from the hospital sunday night, they didn't want to talk. >> i'm sure the police department knows much more than we do. >> the explosions and fragments over a block radius. some debris landed
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on neighbors' lawns and sidewalks. >> it was very loud, >> at neighbor steven and his daughter ran over to help. this saw the victim lying on his back in the driveway. >> you could talk to on he was alert and responsive. i asked him what happened and he said he went to pick up the newspaper and a one off. >> the device apparently was inside the paper. >> a city spokesperson said the police, atf agents and the fbi are investigating the motive. it cannot sing of the victim was the intended target. it would only say the blast was an isolated incident. if no other explosive devices were found. if they did evacuate the neighborhood for several hours. he said the victim's hand was severely injured, he was also bleeding from his leg and head. authorities say the man is expected to survive. the
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explosion happened about 10:00 a.m.. in vacaville, kron 4 news. still >>vicki: ahead, republicans criticized the president over his actions of libya. if a nuclear power plant in japan continues to deteriorate as another quake hits. if radiation found in rain water on the east coast. britney spears fans lined up to see the pop star perform. we show you what design and flavors will adorn the cake for the royal wedding. [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage.
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[ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ] ...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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>>craig: it's now the weeks since the u.s. began firing missiles over libya to enforce united nations approved a no-fly zone. the mission has not been without criticism from republicans. >>reporter: an unusual sight in unusual times. a live in man and the just liberated city, kids thanks for coalition air strikes that have helped give rebels seeking to take down khaddafi the chance to regroup. a successful
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weekend for the opposition. on sunday they also added to keep oil town to their territory. democratic senator carl chairman of the armed services committee had this to say about who ultimately will decide it the nation's future. >> the people of libya can remove the dictator. we're not going to be the ones to remove him. >> president barack obama was begun america's involvement monday evening. as the white house seeks to answer those who say the mission is not clearly defined. senator john mccain had this to say about his expectations for the president's remarks. >> on the one hand they say its humanitarian, on the other hand if to say khaddafi moscow. i hope the president will clarify that. >> nato announced it will take over the entire libya mission. barbara hall, kron 4 news. >>vicki: another earthquake struck japan's triggering
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essen on the alert. it will get a look at the latest as the earth begins to move there. >>jacqueline: we have sunshine and warmer weather on the way for this week. i will show you the forecast coming up. ♪ that airline is gonna nail that frequent flyer with restrictions when he tries to use his miles. ♪ that's a lot of red tape! step on it! [ tires screech ] ♪ i can't escape the red tape! now you can with rapid rewards! come on! [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape.
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>>vicki: another earthquake struck japan's triggering a tsunami alert. a 65 magnitude quake struck this afternoon off the coast. it is the same coastline that took the brunt of the 9.0 magnitude quake that hit earlier this month. there no reports of injuries or damage. the tsunami was alerted in japan only not the u.s.. the crisis at the nuclear power plant continues to expand. regulators say the radiation levels in the water is thousands times higher than usual. they say report last night that levels for 10 million times normal or false. crews tried to cool
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the plant, radiation is seeping into seawater raising levels they're enforcing nearby countries like china to search for radiation. the nuclear leak may have reached all the way across the pacific ocean to the u.s. atlantic coast. rainwater in massachusetts has been found to have increased level of radiation. if the health department said that likely came from the nuclear power plant. authorities say the levels are low and on likely to cause any health problems. the will continue testing for several days. >>brian: your san francisco this evening, market street were we had a little bit of light rain only 500 some of an inch. no problems from this week's system that came in from this evening. a few showers of there for now, they should be wrapping up just after midnight tonight. in some places the skies are beginning to clear. here is the albany, i 80 where we have mostly cloudy skies.
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let's look at the rainfall totals. they have been significant between eight and 9 in. of rain in the santa cruz mountains since last monday. that is enough in a short enough. of time to create flooding problems. a lot of rain in the hills of sonoma and marin county. between five to 6 in. of rain and barnaby not in. in the sierra, snow falling for tonight and chains required on i 80. so far no restrictions on highway 50. if all the snow will wrap up and lots of sunshine in this era in the next few days. here is 11:00 p.m., a few rain showers left the notice they pretty much vanished by 2:00 a.m.. still lot of clouds in place for the morning commute. it will be mostly cloudy to start the day. through the late morning and in the afternoon
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skies becoming mostly sunday. very beautiful compared to what we have seen. if we will see the sun and blue skies. temperatures will be into the upper 50s and low 60s. we will start of the day with readings in the forties, upper '40's in san francisco in oakland, low '40's for santa rosa and napa. highs in the afternoon upper 50s cosi, blow when mid-60's elsewhere. all week with the maker pushing through for tuesday that will increase cloudiness. it slight chance for sprinkles in sonoma county. after that sunday, much warmer. by the end of the week low to mid- 70s by the day and possibly low 80's in land. of what a big change coming up for thursday and friday. friday by the way, opening day for days. >>vicki: i carry is hospitalized, the with the kid came in strong at the box office.
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>>reporter: swingers but has said i do. if the actress was married in a private ceremony at church california ranch saturday korean she exchanged vows with her entertainment manager. celebrity guests included a sean penn, scarlett johansson and robert downey jr.. mariah carey nearly had a special delivery on sunday. the actresses is pregnant with twins said she started having contractions and head of the hospital. should we did that she was able to go home after the contractions were under control. if she said the twin still have a few weeks to go. the with the kids sequel made a strong showing at the box office. the diary of what the kid it to the top spot at 24.4 million in ticket sales. if it chopped up $90 million at the box office. last week's number one film limitless came in third. the psychological thriller starring brad cooper told
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and $15.2 million. >>vicki: what to wear? what if to buy. you of all kinds of decisions to make. guests at the britain's royal wedding next month that will have another question to ponder, chocolate or fruit? max checks of the cakes and the designers. (music) and >>reporter: feel none is famous for her fruitcakes and has a famous card need a match. what was it like to get a call from the palace? >> terribly exciting, overwhelmed, privileged, excited and on to it all at the same time. >>reporter: take it seems knew exactly what she wanted. >> she showed us her ideas.
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she let us as to how to live her wedding cake to be. by traditional but with a modern twist. >>reporter: that wedding cake will be a classic design, no color to scream and white with carefully considered floral decorations each with the meeting. >> she has selected the bridal rose symbolizes happiness, the oak and acorns symbolizes strength and insurance. we have a long list. all lot of these are actually within the architecture. sweet william we haven't made that yet. we will be. >>reporter: william will be working cliff his own take as well. in a break from tradition he'll have a crew of cake. guess what? it's made of chocolate cookies.
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this rich tea biscuits, mixed with chocolate into a cake mix that william has grown up with. >> it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. absolutely delighted. we were asked by the palace if we would make a cake that was one of prince william's favorite. the it is the palace recipe and were sworn to secrecy. it's literally going to be covered in chocolate decorations. >>reporter: both wedding cakes will have multiple tiers in the be big enough for the 600 guests to have a slice of beech. as to what that looks like, that's a surprise. >>vicki: fans of britney spears line the streets of san francisco today. why the pop star's fans were super excited for the civic center concert.
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(cheering & applause) >>vicki: was all about
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britney spears in downtown san francisco today. hundreds of fans waited in the line that stretched three blocks. if all to see the pop superstar's free concert. this comes a day before her latest album. fans waited first-come first-served again. >> i'm excited because she is amazing. >> she is an amazing person for all of us. a >> i'm excited because britain has been head of the scene for so long and some people and talking about her. this is her big comeback. >> on pomp and excited. that was hoping it would be in the castro, everybody would of been dressed up. >> the contra >>vicki: was originally planned for the castro that the change of venue because of the weather. brian is super pumped about the next week but there. >>brian: the temperatures in the '70s and even the '80s
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inland. >>vicki: standing. good night everybody ♪ escape definition. ♪ escape compromise. ♪ introducing the most fuel-efficient luxury car available. the radically new... 42 mile per gallon ct hybrid from lexus. ♪ welcome to the darker side of green. ♪ um, no. cleveland. listen cleveland, your savings account is stuck in the past! earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking baby! so instead of making peanuts, your savings will be earning three times the national average. oops. sorry. three times more? i'll have that! it is now safe to go online to
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